Passenger seat lock box

I’ve been emailing back and forth with another Sprinter owner who just installed his Espar heater under the passenger seat. That means he doesn’t have room to use it for storage any more, so he sent me his locking door!

It’s a really neat idea, sold in the US by Eurocampers. It turns the compartment under the seat into a metal lock box.

We have massive steel plates bolted to the top of our seat bases so that there’s no way in from the top. If you have the stock seats, you might need to add a piece of wood to the top of the seat base to make it less accessible.

Obviously the lock isn’t going to stand up to a concerted attack with a pry bar, but it’s a nice deterrent.

Thanks for the door, Doug.

3 Replies to “Passenger seat lock box”

  1. Do you have a brand for the door? I looked on Eurocampers website and could not find any thing like this.

    1. Todd, I’m afraid I don’t. It was a gift to me and arrived in plain wrapping. It’s also possible that the locking door is no longer made.

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